Williamsville United Methodist Church

We’re studying in the book of Mark. Chapter 8:1-21. Jesus provides for the 4000. This is a different story from Jesus feeding the 5000 earlier in His ministry. When challenged with feeding the crowd that had been with Jesus for 3 days, the disciples were flabbergasted. Where will we get enough food to feed these people??? And how quickly we too forget, Jesus does provide for all of our needs. From seven loaves and two fish, Jesus broke the bread, gave thanks to God and the multitude were satisfied.

Jesus fulfilled the Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. Take the time to study who Jesus is lest we, too, will forget.

Church is at 9:00 a.m., 128 East Jones Street, Williamsville. Dress is casual. All are welcome. Hope to see you there.

The Knotty Quilters meet on Thursday mornings 9-11:30. Stop in and stay awhile. You don’t need to know how to sew. We will teach you.

We are collecting socks, hats, blankets, scarves & gloves for the homeless shelter.