Williamsville United Methodist Church

WUMC will hold a “Trunk or Treat” from 5-8:30 on October 31.  The senior meal program will restart on Wednesday, November 3. Please plan on joining us November 7 as we remember those who have passed. 

Prayer group meets on Monday mornings at 8:00. Community Coffee Hour is temporarily located here on Tuesdays at 10. Knotty Quilters meet on Thursday mornings at 9:00. All are welcome. 

Our study continues in Mark 6:45-56. The disciples were struggling against the waves and the wind, when they saw what they feared was a ghost walking on the water. But Jesus said, “Be of good Cheer! It is I; do not be afraid. He went up in the boat with them and the wind ceased. And they were greatly amazed.” 

God works on his timeline. We are to trust God and know that he is perfect in his timing and according to his purposes. Only God can walk on water. God alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea. 

To “be of good cheer” means to be of good courage, to have courage. Have courage not because of who we are, but because God is with us. 

All are welcome at WUMC. Worship is at 9:00 am on Sunday. Fall in love with Jesus Christ and be of good cheer! God is in control.

You may contact the church at 217-566-3614; wumc@casscomm.com; or www.williamsvilleumc.com