Williamsville United Methodist Church

WUMC will hold a “Trunk or Treat” from 5-8:30 on October 31. All area children are welcome to stop by for treats as long as they last.

The senior meal program will restart on Wednesday, November 3. Contact the church office if you know of someone locally that could benefit and has not been contacted. Also, if you would like to be a driver or cook for this program, please contact the church.

Please plan on joining us November 7 as we remember those who moved on to their heavenly home during the lock-downs of 2020-2021. We will gather to celebrate their lives as believers in Jesus Christ.

Our study continues in Mark 6:45-56. After feeding the 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish, Jesus immediately sent his disciples in a boat to the other side of the lake. Why? What does this imply for us as followers of Jesus? Come and hear the Word preached every Sunday at 9:00. We’d love to see you and help you grow in love with Jesus Christ.

You may contact the church at 217-566-3614; wumc@casscomm.com; or www.williamsvilleumc.com