Williamsville United Methodist Church

Tuesday August 24 devotional in the Upper Room speaks to all of us. The text comes from Hebrews 10:24-25. “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together…but encouraging on another…and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

“None of us is perfect. I have tried to be a better person and to establish a better relationship with God by making a personal commitment to spending time alone, studying the Bible, and worshiping God on my own. I have. learned that I also need a community of faith where I can be in fellowship with others. 

Sometimes God speaks to us through others, so we need fellowship and communion…Christian communities are precious gifts from God. We can encourage and build one another up in ways more amazing than we could ever imagine. God can speak to us through one another when we gather in love to work together in service to God.”

I encourage you to get back to church. Choose one of those mentioned here. 

WUMC is studying the book of Mark. Jesus has established the importance of doing the Will of the Father. We walked with Christ as he taught the meaning of the soil parables, traveled with him as he calmed the waves and weather, listened with amazement as he exorcised a legion of demons. We see Jesus divinity: his power, gentleness, and patience as he will redefine death, and we will listen and hear faith in action. 

Jairus and the bleeding woman reached out to Jesus at the point of desperation, and he had compassion on them. It is when we come to the end of ourselves, that we can find the true helper that we all need, Jesus Christ. Jesus cares. 

We invite YOU to join us on Sunday morning at 9:00 as we worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ through song, prayer, study and fellowship. Come and see. Come as you are. We are sinners who serve a perfect God.

Stop by and visit with us at the Fall Festival on Sat. Sept. 11. Worship with us and WCC on Sunday, Sept. 12 downtown in the tent and fellowship afterwards. 

Save the Date: Sunday Sept. 19 Fall Kick-off, Back to Worship for all Ages