Williamsville United Methodist Church

This week’s lesson is Mark 4:21-34, the parables of the lamp on a stand, the growing seed, and the mustard seed. Parables are stories with truths that have been hidden in Old Testament scripture. Jesus, the Messiah, is the light of the world. The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed. When planted it grows and becomes the largest of the garden plants, but we know not how. 

God’s kingdom is like that. We scatter seeds of faith and it grows in people’s hearts, but we know not how. God knows and his timing is perfect. 

The more we use, the more we understand, the more we live by faith, the more faith will be given to us.

If you wish to know Jesus, we invite you to come, learn and grow with us Sunday mornings 9 am at 128 E. Jones St in Williamsville. Prayer group meets at 8:00 am Mondays. Phone: 217-566-3614; wumc@casscomm.com; www.williamsvilleumc.com  

Upcoming events: We will have a booth at Autumn on the Boulevard Sept. 11. WUMC and WCC will have a Community Church service on Sept. 12. Watch for details.