Williamsville United Methodist Church

This week’s lesson came from Mark 4:1-20, the parable of the sower. When we share about Jesus and what he has done and is doing, we are sowing seeds of faith. Our job as Christians is to scatter seeds. Some of the seed will fall among hearts that are hardened and will not change. Some seed will fall where it will be trampled when trouble comes. Some seed will be choked out by weeds and thorns. And still some seed will be sown in loving hearts where it will grow and produce fruit a hundredfold.

Question for this week: What is the condition of your heart? What kind of seeds do you scatter?

If you wish to know Jesus, we invite you to come, learn and grow with us Sunday mornings 9 am at 128 E. Jones St in Williamsville.  Phone: 217-566-3614; wumc@casscomm.com; www.williamsvilleumc.com