Williamsville United Methodist Church

Blood is thicker than water. The blood of Christ covers a multitude of sins for those who believe. When one becomes a believer in Jesus Christ they are adopted into the family of Christ. Today’s message comes from Mark 3:31-35. Whoever does God’s will is Jesus’ brother and sister. Familly matters. In this world we will have trials, but Christ’s blood reconciles us. Take comfort in that. 

WUMC is a Bible-based church. We invite you to come and learn, to share and to be part of the family of God. We gather Sunday morning at 9:00 for worship at 128 East Jones St. in Williamsville.  Sunday School for children is during the message. Prayer group meets Monday at 8:00 am.

You may contact the church at 217-566-3614; wumc@casscomm.com; or www.williamsvilleumc.com