Williamsville United Methodist Church We appreciate all who came to the Community Worship service on Sept. 12 and to the Back-to-Worship Kick-off last week. If you missed it, you are not too late. Visitors are always welcome at WUMC. The service starts at 9:00 a.m.,...


Look for us on the Williamsville Boulevard this Sunday, Sept. 11 & 12. We will have a booth under the tent on the east end on Saturday from 8-4. Come play a game, get a prize, and talk to us. We’ll be there! Sunday Worship, Sept. 12 will be on the boulevard at...

WUMC August 22, 2021News

Williamsville United Methodist Church Tuesday August 24 devotional in the Upper Room speaks to all of us. The text comes from Hebrews 10:24-25. “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together…but encouraging...

August 8, 2021 NEWS

Williamsville United Methodist Church Mark your calendar for the following events! September 12, 2021…There will be a community church service at the Fall Festival with Williamsville Christian Church and the Williamsville United Methodist Church. Everyone is...

August 1, 2021 NEWS FROM CHURCH

WUMC AUGUST 1, 2021……….STAY IN THE FIGHT Even when you are saved, the enemy will still, if not more, want to deceived you. Be on the lookout. Fight, resist…do not buy into the lies. In Christ, we are free and Satan has no power over us…his weapon of choice is  to...